Thank you for all the love and support!

Developed by a group of high school students that are passionate in supporting America's unemployed population. We are dedicated to serving our community by delivering haircuts and employment support to improve morale, professionalism, and confidence in job interviews. We believe that with the help of our supportive community, we can make a difference and assist people who are struggling to find work. Make sure you're following us on social media to get the most up-to-date information about our purpose!
Registered 501(c)(3)
Fundraiser event with Au Courant Salon!

Work for a cause , not applause
“We need to be able to use the bathroom. We need a place to wash out clothes. We need a place to wash our bodies and clean hair. You can’t get a job if you’re not clean cause then you don’t have the self esteem to deal with an interviewer-- if you’re dirty and smelly like that.”
-Terry, a homeless man and an addiction survivor
Seattle Trims a platform to share stories and fight the misconceptions society has towards the homeless. Listen to us live at MHAC at Arcadia High School and Pasadena City College. We will update you guys on our upcoming event!

Our Mission
Goal: To increase the affordability of haircuts for major cities unemployed population and is specifically targeting the community that has lost jobs during covid. Haircuts are not affordable for everyone, which is why we believe in providing professional haircuts that improve confidence, professionalism, and morale. We believe that with the help of our supportive community, we can make a difference and assist people who are struggling to find work.

Our Linktree:
get access to our social media and fundraiser

Hovsepian's Work
Due to privacy reasons, Seattle Trims will not display their faces.
Successfully held 3 events in Seattle! Thank you Au Courant. You helped us make this possible

Due to privacy reasons, Seattle Trims will not display their faces.

PCC's helps us take the first step forward in the city of LA
Successfully held our first event in Los Angeles! Thank you PCC for echoing our mission at your institution.
Coming soon so stay tuned!